The 22nd Assyrian World Congress took place in Teheran (Iran), from 1st to 4th of November 1998 with the participation and cooperation of Assyrian representatives from all around the world. After prolonged discussions on the conditions of the Assyrians people both in their fatherland and in exile through out the world, the following resolution was unanimously approved. The resolution, which was decreed, was to confirm and complement the new infrastructure and revitalize Assyrians international policies and organizational set-ups.
The Assyrian World Congress while looking at some major issues in relation to the economic and political changes in the Middle East and their impact on the Assyrians people adopted some new decisions.
The global and regional issues of Assyrians such as human rights, confiscations of private property and lack of financial and economic equalities are problems that the Assyrians around the world would like to eradicate.
The Assyrian Universal Alliance is of the opinion that Assyrians oneness and cooperation around the world will serve to strengthen the people and will address the Assyrians’ problems under a strong unity.
The resolution of numerous ideological problems and issues faced by Assyrians through out the world will be achieved by undertaking a common policy, which is acceptable, by the different peoples of this nation. Coordination and unity of all the political and national groups and organizations through out the world. With such a spirit the Congress steadfastly and unanimously has approved the following resolution. The 22nd Assyrian World Congress declares the followings.
- The Assyrian World Congress approved the goals and beliefs of the Assyrian Universal Alliance which are based on four principles: Common name, Common Language, Original birth place and common goals for all offshoots of this nation which consist of, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syrians etc; who through out history have been known by different names.
- The major birthplace of Assyrians is in north of Iraq, in places like, Dahook, Arbil and Mosul.
- Assyrian World Congress elected the Honorable Mr. Syed Mohamed Khatami, President of Islamic Republic of Iran as the man of the year on the following grounds:
- As the beloved President of the Republic, Mr. Khatami with implementing principles of equality and impartiality is guiding the nation and state of Iran to a brighter future.
- He recognizes every citizen as an Iranian without discriminating in terms of religion, ethnicity and gender. He defends and protects the religious, national and social rights of the people;
- He has recognized the Iranian Assyrians as the survivors of ancient Assyrian civilization and culture. He acknowledges Iranian Assyrians as the founders of human civilization and influential in expansion of Islamic civilization.
- Due to Mr. Khatami initiative, the year 2001 has been chosen as the year of dialogue between the world civilizations; we as guardians of one of the oldest civilizations of the world, support this idea and proclaim our readiness to participate in this event.
- Mr. Khatami’s opening speech on the inauguration of the Assyrian World Congress, in support of Assyrian nation and Assyrian Universal Alliance has been very heart warming for the Assyrians all around the world. He has made Assyrians more hopeful in their endeavors to obtain their equal rights.
- The Assyrian World Congress has elected His Holiness Mar Dinkha the Fourth, Patriarch and leader of Assyrian Church of the East as the Assyrian man of the year due to the following reasons;
- Patriarch Mar Dinkha always under different circumstances has been the supporter of the Assyrian Universal Alliance;
- His Holiness has taken important steps in uniting Churches and different groups of Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syrians and Maronites which is one of the major goals and plans of the Assyrian Universal Alliance. He has not hesitated in providing any assistance on this matter and has coordinated his efforts with the Alliance in implementing this goal;
- Patriarch Mar Dinkha has consistently send his representatives in the past and present Congresses and in particular giving warm and wise massages to the 22nd Congress, which brought with it new guidance and fatherly blessings.
- The A.U.A. World Congress has elected Mrs. Helen J. Schwarten as the Assyrian woman of the year due to the following reasons;
- Mrs. Schwarten has managed and guided the Assyrian Universal Alliance Foundation for many years. She has supported this foundation financially and morally. The foundation in turn has been assisting the Assyrians in America and other parts of the world through cultural, charity and social projects.
- Supporting and assisting in introducing the Assyrians to the general public and particularly to the American people through establishment of Ashour Banipall Library and Assyrian cultural museum in the city of Chicago.
- Support and financial assistance to the Assyrian university Students;
- Support and financial assistance to the Assyrian elderly and needy.
- The A.U.A World Congress strongly supports and approves of the growth and expansion of the Church of the East’s fellowships, which has tirelessly, began and coordinated by the Assyrian Church of the East. This development has continuously been one of the main objectives of The Assyrian Universal Alliance.
- The A.U.A. World Congress approves the initiatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran in establishing dialogue and cooperation among the major religions. The Assyrian World Congress in order to participate effectively in this project will establish a special committee to research and evaluate the role of Assyrians in this historical event, also so that we could fellowship and Co- operate with Islamic Republic of Iran.
- The Assyrian World Cogress announces its readiness in cooperating with different political and social Assyrian parties and groups. The congress will not withhold any endeavor in fulfilling this goal.
- The Assyrian World Congress announces its readiness in obtaining the human rights for Stateless and scattered Assyrians in the terms of employment, education and preservation of Assyrian culture. The congress asks all the International organizations and the nations of the world to provide support in fulfilling these basic human rights.
- The Assyrian World Congress approved the establishment of international human rights foundation for Assyrians, by the competent Assyrian Lawyers, mainly for regaining their national rights.
- The Assyrian World Congress approved the creation of a general public fund for providing support for the financial problems of Assyrians, assistance to needy Assyrians of the world, assistance to the existing national and cultural organizations.
- The Assyrian World Congress will provide relentless support for the defense of Assyrians of north of Iraq and Mesopotamia. So that, the Assyrians inhabitants of these areas would have the same equal rights and privileges of the people living in these areas. And that the Assyrians of these areas will be able to conduct and administer their cultural and political and national issues in complete freedom, and they could live in peace and harmony.
- The Assyrian World Congress proclaims its support in obtaining the equal rights for the Assyrians living in these regions and in the Middle Eastern countries, In fulfilling this goal Assyrian World Congress will cooperate to the best of its abilities with the government of each country.
- The Assyrian World Congress announces the establishment of an institute for promoting peace between the governments and the native inhabitants of the region.
- The Assyrian World Congress announces its support on the efforts undertaken by the Helsinki University (Finland) for creating a scientific information network in the field of Assyriology and historical and cultural research on present day Assyrians.
- The Assyrian World Congress decided to held a memorial service for the late leader of Assyrians, Mar Beniamen Shumon who was martyred in First World War. This commemoration service of the national and religious leader of Assyrians will be placed in the location of his martyrdom or a place accessible to the Assyrians around the world. The Congress appreciates and thanks the assistance of Islamic Republic of Iran in conducting this important event.
- The Assyrian World Congress proclaims the Neniveh Day as the religious and national day, and asks the Assyrians through out the world to observe this day as a symbol of our national and religious unity.
- The Assyrian World Congress condemns and protests against the economic sanctions as a means of solving the political conflicts. These kinds of sanctions do not serve any purpose except harming the people and hurting the poor inhabitants of those countries.
- The Assyrian World Congress supports the efforts in releasing the prisoners of war and request from the responsible governments to pursue with sincerity and honestly in achieving this humanistic objective.
- The Assyrian World Congress endorses its active participation with UNPO and announces its willingness to assist and collaborate with other members of this international organization.
- The Assyrian World Congress announces its decision in establishing a special unit to increase the membership of NGO.
- The Assyrian World Congress supports the efforts of the Assyrian Universal Alliance in conducting international congresses in which other Assyrian representatives participate, along with the governments of countries that have Assyrian residents, in order to introduce to them the Assyrians’ issues and their problems.
United We Stand Divided We Fall