The Executive Board of the Assyrian Universal Alliance held a meeting in Tehran on 20th September 2012 in order to discuss the latest events in Syria which is the country of their ancestors, and at the end of their three days meeting expressed their deep concern, regret regarding to the armed conflict, attitudes of the different groups, forces in Syria and the bloodshed and widespread killings of defenseless people in this country.
The Executive Board believes that all these events and recent conflict in Syria which was always a country that its people live in peace, tranquility and security for many centuries, will certainly lead to further destruction of this country and the Assyrian Community in Syria as an ethnic group will suffer immensely as a result of all these events.
Thus the Assyrian Alliance would like to request all the different groups in Syria who are involved in arm conflict to stop their hostilities through peaceful negotiations, live in peaceful coexistence as they had lived for many centuries, and at the same time to prevent any foreign intervention in their domestic affairs.
In addition we firmly believe that Syria and all other believers of divine religions can solve their problems through peaceful dialogues and we do hope that very soon the peace and tranquility will return in Syria.
Executive Board of Assyrian Universal Alliance
Tehran- September 2012