Honorable Yonathan Betkolia, MP, AUA General Secretary’s Christmas Greeting.
English Translation:
Pure Metropolitans (Cardinals), Holy Bishops, honorable priests, honored deacons, beloved Assyrian Associations, my beloved Assyrians:
Christ’s blessing upon you,
Birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the middle of winter shows us that we can see spring anytime of the year, however this requires an eccentric devotion, at the same time, the birth of Christ, in order to save humanity from a mortal death of sin, shows how much the Lord loved us that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Humans being were created with a free will to choose their actions, they were given the knowledge of the righteous path so that they do not get fooled by Satan and his forces. We, Assyrians, as true believers know that the only salvation is through Christ, however, it is not enough to only understand this promise, we must obey and follow the Lord’s words in order to get to the promised land.
Merry Christmas and a Happy Christian New Year, I am hopeful that the Lord will protect our beleaguered Assyrian nation in Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and elsewhere, and save them from harm and danger. All of us with one voice should pray and ask that this new year be filled with tranquility, peace, love and health for all mankind but especially for our Assyrian Nation.
With the utmost respect,
Yonathan Betkolia
General Secretary, Assyrian Universal Alliance