In the name of the holy trinity, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit
May 29, 2019
No: 538
To the respected family members of Dr. Wilson Bet Mansour
With greetings and love,
With great sadness we were informed about the passing away of Dr. Wilson Bet Mansour, one who throughout his life served his people and mankind. Dr. Wilson was an irreplaceable gem of our nation such as we shall not see again. Through his visionary thinking while representing the Assyrians in the Parliament of Iran, he secured a piece of property on which the ever-important Shooshan School was built. Today, not only the property remains under the name of St. Mary School, it also houses the Assyrian Civic Center (i.e. Mootva d’Tehran), the Star of Ashur Athletic Club, the William Daniel Hall, the Martyr Alfred Playground and other activity centers. The memories from this great doctor are both valuable and pleasant and will never be forgotten.
Dr. Wilson’s contributions to literature and civic fields are also very valuable as he published for many years the Ashur magazine that contained informative articles in three different languages. At the same time there are books published by Dr. Wilson that can be found in each of our individual libraries.
As the first Secretary General of the Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUA), Dr. Wilson took many positive steps about which all members of the AUA Executive Board of that time will bear witness.
Speaking about a national hero is very difficult because we cannot show the greatness of Dr. Wilson in a few pages. Throughout all of the blessed years of his life he did not stop from working for the glory of the Assyrian name.
Through this short letter I express my deep sorrow and extend my condolences to the family of the late Dr. Wilson Bet Mansour, and the Assyrian nation as a whole. I am certain that the Lord will welcome him into His heavenly kingdom and seat him among the holy ones at His right hand.
Most sorrowfully,
Yonathan Betkolia
Representative of the Assyrians in the Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Secretary General, Assyrian Universal Alliance